The Evaluators Network in Kazakhstan has been created in 2014.
The mission of the network is the development of evaluation as a profession in Kazakhstan.
The Evaluators Network in Kazakhstan was established in response to a growing interest in evaluation in various fields. The network has been created on the initiative of experts in program evaluation to bring together professionals in the field of evaluation for the development of evaluation as a profession, innovation and best practices in the field of assessment and the promotion of evaluation for various stakeholders.
Creating a network in Kazakhstan was preceded by activities in monitoring and evaluation, initiated by various organizations and experts in the field of evaluation. Courses on training of experts in the field of monitoring and evaluation, schools for non-profit organizations and government officials, two international conferences, seminars have been conducted, state and non-state programs are regularly assessed, Kazakhstan's experience in the field of assessment are presented at international conferences.
A glossary of terms in the field of monitoring and evaluation has also been created in Russian and Kazakh languages. Currently about 50 specialists in Kazakhstan are ready to join the network. The strategic management is carried out by elected members of the network (individuals), and the administration is carried out by the secretariat (a legal entity), also elected for a fixed term.
The main activities of the network:
- Capacity building of experts in the field of program evaluation;
- Development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of program evaluation;
- The exchange of information between experts in the field of program evaluation;
- Integration of evaluators in the international professional community.
Membership is open for individuals paying membership fee.
Founders / Partners:
- Civil Society Development Association (ARGO) acting as an operator / network secretariat for the first three years
- National Budget Network of Kazakhstan